
Discover our confirmed talks!

Track 1 (Auditorium)

Track 2 (Room 6)

Track 3 (Room 5)

Track 4 (Room 3)

Workshops (Room 8)

Workshops (Room 4)


🎟 Registration



Sergi Almar




☕ Coffee break

11:00 - 11:50

This Ain't Your Parents' Java

Venkat Subramaniam

Hitting the “refresh” button on your Spring web application

Stéphane Nicoll / Brian Clozel

Revving up the good old Samaritan, Spring Boot Admin

Jatin Makhija

Distributed Scheduling with Spring Boot: the challenges & pitfalls of implementing a background job

Rafael Ponte

MongoDB Sprout: Where Data Meets Spring [Workshop]

Tim Kelly / Rita Rodrigues

Replay production traffic locally, and know what you are breaking! [Workshop]

Shardul Lavekar

12:00 - 12:50

Spring Security Architecture Principles

Daniel Garnier-Moiroux

Continuations: The magic behind virtual threads in Java

Balkrishna Rawool

Make Coding Fun with Spring and Azure

Adib Saikali / Asir Selvasingh

IntelliJ IDEA Tips and Tricks for Spring Developers

Anton Arhipov

Workshop continuation

Workshop continuation


🍽 Lunch

14:00 - 14:50

Build faster persistence layers with Spring Data JPA 3

Thorben Janssen

Automated software refactoring with OpenRewrite and Generative AI

Tim te Beek

A Spring Developers Guide to Navigating the Frontend Landscape

Dan Vega

Dapr and Spring Boot - Solving the Challenges of Distributed Systems

Mauricio Salatino / Thomas Vitale

Java Apps for the Cloud workshop: Secure, High-Performance Deployment to Kubernetes and Serverless [Workshop]

Dan Dobrin / Abdel Sghiouar

Testing Spring Boot Applications Demystified [Workshop]

Philip Riecks

15:00 - 15:50

Spring Framework 6.2: Core Container Revisited

Juergen Hoeller

OpenAPI 3 and Spring-Boot 3 - What's new?

Badr Nass Lahsen

Mind the gap, connecting high performance systems at a leading Crypto Exchange

Marcos Maia / Lars Werkman

Unit Test Your Spring Architecture With ArchUnit

Roland Weisleder

Workshop continuation

Workshop continuation


☕ Coffee break

16:30 - 17:20

Going AOT: Everything you need to know about GraalVM for Java applications

Alina Yurenko

Why Spring Matters to Jakarta EE - and Vice Versa

Ivar Grimstad

Magical Beans and Mystery

Tiffany Jernigan / Timo Salm

When Armeria Blooms in Spring (Boot)

Trustin Heuiseung Lee

Reactive Spring Boot With Coroutines and Virtual Threads [Workshop]

Urs Peter / Jeroen Rosenberg

Building server-side web applications with htmx [Workshop]

Thomas Schuehly

17:30 - 18:20

Introducing Spring AI

Christian Tzolov / Mark Pollack

It's all in the mix: producing production-ready apps with Spring Boot

Joris Kuipers

Migrating from (Spring Data) JPA to Spring Data JDBC

Jens Schauder

Making Spring Cloud Gateway your perfect API gateway solution

Dan Erez

Workshop continuation

Workshop continuation


🍻 Beers & Networking


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