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Tim KellyMongoDB

Tim Kelly

Rita RodriguesMongoDB

Rita Rodrigues

MongoDB Sprout: Where Data Meets Spring [Workshop]

Tim Kelly - MongoDB / Rita Rodrigues - MongoDB

Excited about the power of MongoDB and its document model, but struggling to make it play nice with Spring applications? Join us for an immersive workshop where you’ll dive deep into integrating MongoDB seamlessly with Spring applications.

In this hands-on session, you’ll learn essential concepts such as using MongoTemplate for data access, implementing object mapping with Spring Data MongoDB, leveraging data repositories for CRUD operations, and harnessing the power of aggregation pipelines for advanced querying.

Additionally, we’ll explore the intricacies of multi-document transactions and demonstrate the implementation of client-side field-level encryption. Throughout the workshop, you’ll build a Java Spring program and connect it to a MongoDB Atlas cluster, with all code and solutions provided. Bring your laptop with JDK 21 installed and your favorite IDE, and get ready to elevate your MongoDB and Spring skills to the next level.


  • A laptop with JDK 21 installed and your preferred IDE.
  • Maven 3.8.6+
  • Optional MongoDBCompass.
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